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Old 11-02-2004, 02:15 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
I agree that it should never be a full fledged excuse, but i can't completely dismiss it either.

Like you said, alcohol affects everyone completely differently. Like you said you were aware of what was going on and could still make logical decisions, and for some people, or hell even for the same people on a different day. I take in a decent amount of alcohol and sometimes I can function fine, logically, and remember it. However on other days I can barely remember a period of several hours, and make blatantly illogical decisions. Thats why its important that when I drink a lot it is in a familiar environment where I can't do anything very bad, and of course never ever drive if I've had more than one beer that night. No matter how i feel, one beer is the hard limit i set for myself while sober so i know i'll fall back on it while drunk.

Ok I'm rambling, but I don't think its a end all excuse, but I do think it can have a significant effect on actions of people. And it definately hits everyone differently, just like any other drug, legal or illegal, of any kind.

No excuse for drunk driving though, because thats an easy blank and white decision you should make while sober and carry through while drunk.
...And then I found $5!
Gustoferson is offline  

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