From what I've seen, just run 4 times a week (although start off at 3 times a week for about
12 weeks) and lift weights 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Then move up on to running 4
times a week, and lifting 4 times a week. It's always alot easier to get motivated if you have
a buddy or ground of friends around to do it with you.
I run with 3 of my buddies, but I usually lift by myself (I'm much more motivated with the lifting than with the running, because my body will becometh muscular and powerful with the lifting, while you don't really notice much with running right off the bat, although it does get you in shape.
Few starter tips too:
Do it for at least 12 weeks, you'll really start noticing stuff by then.
Stick with it nearly perfectly in terms of running and lifting, and at least
. work kinda well on your nutrition, but this will come after you get the
. first two down.
Also, don't expect to lose more than 2 pounds per week if you're doing it
. within HEALTHY standards, ie, don't starve yourself!
And trust me, those twelve weeks will go faster than you can imagine!