Originally Posted by ThatOnePerson
i never ever but the damn strategy guide. i once saw a shirt that said "NO! I don't want the F@#&ING strategy guide". wish i had it for every time i go into EB Games or other similar stores. Another thing about those places... they always tell you to pre-order or else... they make it sound like the company is only making 25 copies of the damned game and if you don't per order now, you'll never ever get the game. they once told me i need to pre order the GB: DS. EVERY DAMN STORE IN USA WILL HAVE IT!!!!! whew, sorry to get off topic. anyways gamefaqs is da shit! and they have every game i've never heard of!
The Gamestop I work at was sold out of GTA (over 100 copies) before it arrived in the store. We turned away probably 100 people looking for the game in the first week alone, before getting our second shipment. The entire first shipment was reserve-only. We are also sold out of the entire first shipment of Halo 2. If you want one at all during the first week of release, you either reserve it, or you buy a copy for three times the retail price on ebay.
We were allocated a very specific number of GB: DS units to sell. If they get reserved, then there will be none in the store on 11/22. The number is a two-digit number that's less than twenty, and we're about 75% of the way to reserving them all out. I predict we'll be completely out two weeks before the release of the unit. According to Nintendo, chances are low that we'll get a second shipment in time for the holidays. Reserve one, or don't get one.
Nobody's yanking your chain. If I had my way, we would have had 500 copies of GTA in the store on 10/26, because we would have sold every last one of them. Why would any reasonable company turn away your business voluntarily? Take off the tinfoil hat, and if you want your DS, reserve one. Otherwise, you'll be one of the 100 crying faces I have to deal with the day after release who's cussing up a storm in the store because we don't have any more.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.