aww...that was bullshit...
i got my suburban all running and everything, so i went out for a test drive into town...
half way to town one of the hose clamps on guy's fucking ghetto trans line solution of steel - rubber - steel came off ans sprayed all my fucking trans fluid all over the underside and rear end of my suburban...disabling the driving function of the i got out of the road, took a look under it and the steel line had moved over and wrapped around the U joint on the front driveline... so since he had so much excess, i cut about 6 inches off with a pipe cutter and slipped the rubber over the end using new hose clamps...then refilled the tranny...third gear feels funny now...but it runs again.
keep in mind i did all this shit on the side of the highway in the dark with a
Raoul Duke:
"I wouldn't dare go to sleep with you wandering around with a head full of acid, wanting to slice me up with that goddamn knife."
Dr. Gonzo:
"Who said anything about slicing you up, man. I just wanted to cut a little Z in your forehead."