Originally Posted by Suave
Even though we are now fully out of debt, and have an enormous surplus, he's still slashing the education budget. U of C is taking a 20% funding cut over the next 5 years because of this asshole. And just wait until he gets re-elected and reintroduces his ideas for privatized health care again. Oh yeah, this guy's a fucking genius isn't he?
Queue a John Stewart, Wha?
He has not slashed the U of C budget. the U of C got a 6% funding increase last year. what the U of C was saying is that it needs to cut x aount of dollars (funds between 30-72million) over the next 4 years to meet there debt. Your insane if you think the government is slashing education funding right now.
And why would having a two tier system be so bad? Ontario already has it.
Edit, and to bring in Sask. They do have oil. Cuirrent reserve estimates are at just over 1 billion barrels. That does not include Sask. total of the oil sands as well.
Saskatchewan has resources. They just don't have a government that will benifit the people there.