Originally Posted by pan6467
Whatever happened to doing what is best for the country and trying to keep it together? The partisanship has got to be controlled and compromises need to be reached, or we are going to have civil war or a massive loss of freedoms to prevent one.
The Democrats threw it away in the Senate when they voted right along party lines not to remove Clinton from office for committing perjury. He was guilty. Everybody knew it. His actions in lying to the grand jury and the american people were unequivocally criminal. The level of proof (a positive DNA match, along with testimony of one of the two participants, including a massive amount of verifiable detail) was high enough to get a conviction in virtually EVERY court in the country that didn't have a bias issue. If it had been anybody but President Bill Clinton, he'd have been convicted.
Nixon resigned because he knew that his party wouldn't back him when the truth came out. Clinton didn't even have THAT shred of decency in him, to resign for the good of both his party and the country.
I hope the Democrats think it was worth it to save his ass...because it sundered this country as surely as Secession in 1861 did. I truly believe that we're either going to see a dissolution of this country, or outright civil war. There's no other real option at this point. And it's going to be bloody when it comes.