Originally Posted by hannukah harry
going along with what irate mentioned with the OK bombing... hitting anywhere in the heartland would be much more terrifying than new york. now that 9/11's happened, people who live in cities like that know it's a risk, but what was so scary about the OK bombing was that it CAN happen anywhere, even where you least expect. doesn't matter if it's a big city or small town... the idea that it's not safe anywhere is scarier than thinking it's only not safe in NY or LA.
I suppose that your attitude would very largely depend on where you live. It doesn't scare me very much that a small town can be targeted. When I was living in Southern Oregon, in a town pop. of 26K, I felt very safe.
Now I live back in So. California. I live in between some of the largest concentrations of military establishements and shipping ports. A nuke (from N. Korea, no less) anywhere within 60 miles of me would pretty much wipe the US off the world's economic, cultural, and political map for a good while.
No offense to NY'ers or any heartland residents, but when your region produces the bulk of the world's cultural capital, sits within the top 5 of the world's economic capital by itself, and sways its nations political poles when it heaves a progressive idea into the public discourse,
tangible threat speaks to me more loudly than abstract fear.
EDIT: if it's any consolation, the smog cover should deflect some of the fallout before it blows my way