Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
What's interesting about this is that it would eliminate the places where terrorism would be most effective. Sure, I guess Houston or Oklahoma City could be targeted, but it eliminates the possibility of targeting New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago - the three most populous cities. Not to mention most other major cities out there. Fo this reason I find it hard to believe, because I think Bin Laden would be aware of what he is saying in that regard. If he really said that, or was being honest in saying that, he would be ruling out pretty much every single effective target available.
going along with what irate mentioned with the OK bombing... hitting anywhere in the heartland would be much more terrifying than new york. now that 9/11's happened, people who live in cities like that know it's a risk, but what was so scary about the OK bombing was that it CAN happen anywhere, even where you least expect. doesn't matter if it's a big city or small town... the idea that it's not safe anywhere is scarier than thinking it's only not safe in NY or LA.