^ My sentiments exactly. But that short a period of time wouldn't allow you to understand very much(if a day even less). I have 2 sisters a mom, and about 3 or 4 female dogs in my time on earth. So I know a little bit of female mentality and the chores they put themselves to on a daily basis to make themselves "presentable" among other things. Most not needed in my opinion

. You wouldn't need to have a vagina to understand a lot of those things (you could just ask) but the things you would need one to understand would take a lot longer than a day, MAYBE even a month to gain a good understanding. Ya know a level of understanding thats actually useful. I can go wax my legs right now and understand how much that hurts I don't need a vagina to know that. I could grow my hair really long and know what it's like to have to blow dry your hair for at LEAST a half an hour to dry each and every layer of hair that I have. I could even put on some freakin make up if I wanted to. I most certainly wouldn't do any of those things though of course

. I think only a great understanding of women would prove truely useful when interacting and men could never have that. A small understanding may only benefit sex, or something really rudamentary like that which is only useful in one occaision. Just asking or practicing or dare I say it LISTENING would help you in that area....it's probably a lot more work than you're willing to dish out on a constant basis. Might make ya feel like he-man for one or more occaisions but could very well become a chore if you insist on going the distance every time. Most men are way too selfish and lazy to attempt that...I'm ashamed to admit it. Perhaps I should work on that flaw myself as it is a huge one.