Ya know it's funny cause this says "(equal time)" I dunno what ya meant by that. If you mean equal to the ladies lounge post...not really. Because they can view and reply to our post but we can do neither with theirs. Not really equal at all. I can only imagine the silly things they are thinking about in their post.
edit: I'd also like to note that to those of you who are thinking you can gain some sort of general understanding of what it is like being a woman by having a vagina for one freakin day, or even a month you are sadly mistaken. Thats like saying if I were black for a day or a month I would be able to understand what it's like to be black and all that they have gone through to get to where they are today. No small ammount of time would ever allow you to understand such a thing. In a way I'm not even certain if it is ours to know anyway. And to the women if we fully understood everything there is to know about you then you would lose a great deal of your self worth. I mean doesn't it feel good to know that you are a beautiful and complex organism that can leave a man completely dumbfounded with a mere phrase? That you have qualities about you that are all your own and that you can discuss with other women? I mean would you really want to lose all that by having men COMPLETELY understand you? I bet it'd bug the shit outta ya after a while and at the very least you'd have nothing to bitch about
