Originally Posted by tspikes51
So if repubs can do it, demos can do it too. Fox is just Republican. Stop bitching. People who claim that one party cheats and another doesn't is just looking for something to complain about.
Wrong answer in Ohio the only challengers that were ALLOWED to be at polling places were Republicans Dems are not allowed to have more than 2 people there (the 2 that by law have to work there, with the 2 GOP.) That's what the hoopla was about they weren't allowing Dems to have challengers.
How fair is that in supposed free and fair elections? To allow someone the right to stand there and challenge your vote and you have no idea so that you cannot even justify who you are?
Why don't we just do away with the charade of a vote and give Ohio outright to Bush?
And those of you who think this is whining ...... what you do? Because trust me if it works in Ohio it's coming to the rest of the country.
I just find it pathetic and a sad statement of where the USA is headed when our country has become so divided that one side feels this is an ok thing to do. It's supposed to be secret ballot anyway. For God's sake is there not one GOP person on this board that sees the hypocrasy of the party that claims to want less government and yet is treating Ohio like we're fucking some 3rd world nation?
Sad people very sad.