- John Cleese (Q #2) has risen worry about the return of one of the most beloved characters in the Bond series; Q.
Q, or quartermaster, has been the master of gadgets, and great back and fourth with James Bond ever since 'From Rissua with Love'. Recently John Cleese, who assisted Desmond Llewelyn’s ‘Q’ in ‘The World Is Not Enough’, and then played ‘Q’ himself in ‘Die Another Day’ was interviewed at the 2004 Irish Film and Telivision Awards.
When asked about his role as ‘Q’ in the next James Bond film, while he did not rule out his own return, Cleese also made comments which have set alarm bells ringing in some people’s ears: “I’m told that if there is a Q, I will be Q. But I think if they were to cast someone much younger as Bond, I’m not sure they’d want an old Q. I don’t believe there’s a Q in the current version of the script”.
What? Is there a possibility in all of the scrambling for a new Bond, we might lose Q?! I would be more then perterbed by such a decision. Vote Bond/Cleese 2006!