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Old 11-01-2004, 05:49 PM   #37 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Originally Posted by JustDisGuy
I think it boils down to this: If you are in favour of capital punishment, you should be prepared to sacrifice your own life for your beliefs. I don't think it is reasonable to suggest that anyone here has 100% faith in our legal system. Are you prepared to be the victim who though innocent has been found guilty and condemned to death?

I am not prepared to sacrifice my contribution to my family and to my society in order to give a 'sense of closure' to victims' families or to satisfy some public perception of justice. I actually happen to believe that except for the serial killer, a murderer can for the most part be rehabilitated and returned to society as a contributing member. If they can't, as in the case of the serial killers, then at least they can be studied and learned from in order to hopefully educate our sociologists and psychologists in order to help prevent or perhaps cure future persons from being afflicted by whatever mental disease/disorder caused them to commit their crime.
excellent point--and the data backs you up. Murderers have one of the lowest (if not the lowest) recidivism rates. One main reason being that they are simply too old once released (increased age and reduced recidivism link documented for over 200 years now). Another being that most murders are pretty spontaneous--not like the general picture I think people form: that there are murderers and non-murderers walking around the cities just waiting to be discovered.
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