I wasn't here for trick-or-treat, but from reading this thread, it seems to me that the festivity has almost completely gone to hell. I live in the Bible Belt, so of course there were plenty of people whining about Halloween being on Sunday. All I had to say was "get a life." Then there's trick-or-treat itself. When I was really little, like 5 or 6, I had a pillowcase, and I might have gotten two dozen pieces of candy in the ONE trick-or-treat. One guy came into the grocery where I work, and he said that his little boy got to go three times that week. THREE TIMES??? It is just turning into a way to promote greed. The lack of spooking kids disturbs me too. Moms not letting their kids do haunted houses and yelling at the one guy on the block that pulls the chain off his chainsaw and revvs it up while chasing kids just seems to defeat the fun that Halloween was for me. It was hella-cool to get scared one night of the year, and then get candy. Hell, I still get dressed up for the kids, and sometimes I even take the time to jump out from behind bushes and scare them. It seems like such a shitty, meaningless holiday anymore.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."