Originally Posted by TheShadow
One sidenote - I've noticed I only get my migraines on one side of my head (the right side), and I'm wondering if this is odd or not. Anyone else get them on just one side?
Mine are 'one-side' migraines. Once full-blown, the headache feels like someone has driven a knitting needle through my eye and out the back of my skull, only it's square and they're twisting it back and forth. I'm fortunate that I get a bit of a pain aura warning when one is coming on, and if I am able to take the necessary measures within about twenty minutes, I am able to avoid experiencing the full headache. If I'm able to, I get myself to a bed in as totally dark a room as possible, drop 400mg of ibuprofen with a Coca-cola chaser and try to go to sleep using the pillow to apply gentle pressure to the affected eye - usually my right one. Nine times out of ten, I wake up an hour or two later with at worst a mild 'normal' headache. Of course, the tenth time blows goat.
Happily, I haven't had a nasty one for quite a long time. After I quit smoking, they almost stopped altogether. Yet another excellent reason to quit if the government raping you for voluntary tax donations wasn't sufficient.