Originally Posted by Lockjaw
Northeasterners have a drawl too. Cah...,bah...,fah...,pahk...
It's there at least amongst the stereotypical folks it is.
As far as spotting a tourist...tourists from certain European countries you can spot quickly as well. Some you can smell coming. Won't say which ones...but suffice to say they aren't used to the heat and it shows. But one sure fire give away around here at least that says foreign tourist...socks with sandals...not sure what it is, but be they Canadian, European, or Asian...they wear socks and sandals.
That's not really a drawl though. It's just a soft ending to the words. A draaaawwwwwwwl is more of a laaaaid back way of speeakin', like you've got all the time in the world. The first time I heard a Bostoner/Bostonian/Bostonite speak, I honestly thought he had a speech impediment, until I found out he was from Boston; not trying to be insulting, just relating my story here.
I've noticed that Calgarians (and most Albertans that I've talked to) share a very similar accent to people from the NorthEast of the U.S. (ie. none to my ears). In calling people in that area, unless they're from Brooklyn or something, they sound almost exactly the same as I do, to me; a specific area I can think of where they sound similar would be Manhattan.