Originally Posted by redlemon
Thanks for the first-person report, pan6467. Do you have a link to that Plain Dealer writeup? And, I couldn't quite tell from your writeup; is your vote going to be counted or not?
According to reports once challenged it is then up to the officials to determine your eligibility if they cannot your vote will not count.
For the article try http:
If you can't get it (since the PD is very choosy about what they put o/l) I can scan and send you the article, just let me know. I didn't want to scan and put on here as it is a very long article.
As for Nader not being on the ballot, it was brought about by GOP Sec. of State Blackwell. He questioned the authenticity of some registrations in Akron (HEAVY DEM. yet would not challenge any near Cincy.) It was Blackwell a GOP that chose to challenge Nader not the Dems.
Also, Blackwell refused to challenge ANY signatures on the petition regarding gay marriage even AFTER people claimed that they had gotten GOP thank yous and never signed the petition.
There is also the fact as i have repeatedly told on here that I recieved numerous GOP voter registration cards to mail in. Of the 5 only 2 had my name already on them.... the other 3 I could have made up names, addresses and used. Yet, they did not challenge any of these even though there were more GOP replies than the Dem. AFL/CIO that were challenged.
No, Ohio is very corrupt in heavy favor of the GOP.
If anyone cares to call me on it I will provide the newspaper articles dates, and pages. And if you truly want me top do all the work I'll scan them for you and mail them to ya.