I don't think I have the Common American accent. I've received comments from so many people, especially while I was in college. Most of them can't place where my accent is from. I believe a part of it is due to spending so much time with my Grandma while growing up, and the other part is due to my Dad's accent - which people can't seem to place either. My Grandma was from Baltimore, MD but spoke a good bit of French (her ancestors were from France). She had what I guess you could call a French accent mixed with Eastern America. Then there's my Dad who has some Native American in him. I think I picked up on both sides. I try my best to speak correctly and enunciate clearly and since college have not gotten the same response to my speach.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.