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Old 11-01-2004, 02:35 PM   #13 (permalink)
Inspired by the mind's eye.
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Location: Between the darkness and the light.
With southerners, there are really two types of southern drawls. There's the high class drawl which you would hear from a southern belle. And there's also the redneck drawl that you hear so much of on Comedy Central's "Blue collar TV."

About american tourists.
As an American, I can't stand to see other Americans when I'm outside the US.

Most of my international travels take me to Germany, and while I'm there I blend in really well. My facial structure is very German and I also speak German with good pronounciation. I've even been told by a couple of Germans that I sometimes have a Hessian accent.

Last time I was in Germany, I was sitting in a Biergarten on the streets of Hannover when this family of American tourists came up and sat a few tables over. They were so obnoxious that I really wanted to go over to them and slap them all upside the head and say, "Do you realize how bad you're making the rest of us look?"

But that would have given me away as also being an American, so I remained at my table and did my best to tune them out.
Aside from my great plans to become the future dictator of the moon, I have little interest in political discussions.

Last edited by mirevolver; 11-01-2004 at 02:47 PM..
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