Originally Posted by Lebell
Is it really any worse than the Democrats suing to keep Nader off the ballot and challenging the signitures on his petitions?
This is the other side of the same coin.
It certainly is different. Challenging the signatures on a completed petition doesn't impede a one day (and unrepeatable) process and prevent people who want to sign the petition legally from doing so. Petitions for all sorts of things are ALWAYS challenged. Petitions never have a 100% signature validity rate.
Originally Posted by aliali
Should democrats also be banned from contesting military ballots? It looks like some of us are only happy if Republican efforts to contest certain votes are barred.
Again, my gripe with the Republican efforts is not that I want illegal voters to put my guy in office. The essential problem with having republican party bosses looking over voters shoulders on election day is that it will slow down and inhibit the ability of legal voters to cast their vote.
Remember, the Republicans are doing this to decrease turnout, not to weed out the unlawful votes.
Finally, I challenge someone to find an instance of Democrats doing anything like this. Challenging petitions doesn't count. I'm talking about having people go to the polls and challenge voters with the intention of slowing down the process and decreasing turnout. I won't put up with arguments of "well your side does it too" until I see some evidence.