Originally Posted by host
My research results influence me to suspect that we are fighting predominantly
the hornets from the nest that Bush chose to disturb. Bush launched a "war on
terror", attacked a country where he determined that the perpetrators of the
9-11 attack were receiving sanctuary and support, and then, after an unsuccessful hunt for these ringleaders, Bush chose to shift a signifigant portion of our military forces to an elective invasion of a country unrelated to
the 9-11 attack that represented no signifigant threat to it's neighbors or
to us, using multiply inaccurate pretenses to garner the support of the U.S.
press and a majority of Americans. This invasion led to the destabalization of
Iraq and the necessity of Bush keeping a force of nearly one quarter of our
active military personnel on the ground in Iraq to contain the destabilization
from spreading to the rest of the region and endangering the security of
much of the world's oil supply. Bush must distract from his earlier misleading
statements used to justify Iraq's invasion, and the fact that it was unnecessary, costly in terms of U.S. casualties and cash, and has destablized
a country that had been shrewdly marginalized by the policies of the 2 past
presidents' administrations, by deceptively creating an impression that we
are "fighting terrorists there, so we don't have to fight them here", when our
troops are in reality fighting an enemy that is made up of Iraqis who are
only resisting in response to Bush's unnecessary invasion, while those who
Bush identified as the ringleaders of the 9-11 remain at large. Bush had
disguised his failure by not mentioning Osama Bin Laden for the last 2 years,
and by feigning ignorance when he contradicted Kerry in a debate when
Kerry pointed out that Bush went from vowing to kill or capture Bin laden in
late 2001, to telling the press that he did not think about Bin Laden and
that capturing him was not that important, just 6 months later, in spring, 2002. Bush must continue to falsely maintain that Iraq is a place to lure
foreign terrorist to, rather than run the higher risk of having to engage them
here in the U.S., or even his base of support will at some point awake to his
deceptive tactics intended to distract them from his colossal mistakes in Iraq.
Alright we all know the facts of what is going on in Iraq are confusing as hell. Example the weapons missing. I hear reports of Russians taking them, all weapons stolen by terroists, Americans securing the weapons...whatever. Anyways here is an article about Africans fighting the U.S. in Iraq:
Half of insurgents captured at Samara were Africans
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
BAGHDAD – The U.S. military has established that Al Qaida-aligned insurgents from North Africa have played a leading role in the Sunni insurgency in Iraq.
Officials said about half of the insurgents captured in Samara last week were nationals from Arab states in North Africa. They said an initial interrogation has determined that the insurgents arrived from such countries as Egypt, Sudan and Tunisia.
About 150 insurgents were said to have been killed in the combination of air and ground strikes by U.S. units and Iraqi forces, Middle East Newsline reported.
U.S. officials said insurgents from such countries as Algeria, Egypt, Sudan and Tunisia have been recruited for operations against the Multinational Force in Iraq. They said many of the insurgents were recruited by the Salafist Brigade for Combat and Call, based in Algeria and regarded as the leading subcontractor for Al Qaida.
The presence of North African insurgents was highlighted during the U.S. military operation to capture Samara, under the control of a coalition of Saddam Hussein supporters and Al Qaida-aligned agents since October 2003.
The insurgents were said to have been recruited by Salafist operatives in North Africa and transported to Iraq via Syria. Many of them then joined the Tawhid and Jihad group, headed by Abu Mussib Al Zarqawi, regarded as the most lethal insurgent in Iraq. The recruits were provided with Iraqi government documents that listed their professions as everything from electricians to farmers.
Officials said resistance by Saddam and Al Qaida-aligned forces continues despite the capture of Samara. They said the military has not captured the heads of the insurgency.
The U.S. military and the Defense Department has assessed that the lion's share of insurgency attacks have been conducted by former members of Saddam's military and security forces. But they said the suicide bombings in Baghdad and cities in the Sunni Triangle have often included foreign volunteers.