I've installed Gallery and all seems well. But when I try to upload an image it says Unable to make thumbnail(0) or Invalid image. What gives?
This is a very common problem. It's usually because the image manipulation program isn't getting called correctly, and this can happen for a number of reasons. To diagnose the problem, follow these steps:
Verify that the binaries (NetPBM or ImageMagick) are installed correctly and are chmodded 0755 (including the directory they are in).
One common installation mistake is to put the executable in a path that contains spaces. This happens often on Windows, if either package is installed in Program Files. The executables must not be installed in a path that contains spaces.
Put Gallery back into configuration mode (see the tutorials earlier in the manual for details)
Re-run the configuration wizard. On step 2, select the option to put Gallery into debug mode. Finish the configuration wizard and secure Gallery (this is described in the configuration wizard tutorial).
Attempt to upload a picture. There will be a whole lot more debugging messages now, and it will help to diagnose the problem. Possible issues are listed below
If you see any of the following messages, the solutions are listed below
Error in loading shared libraries -- Indicates that your dynamic library loader can't find a library that it needs. On Linux you can add the directory containing the appropriate library to /etc/ld.so.conf and then run ldconfig -v as root to fix this. If you don't have root access to the server, either contact your host for help or download a new version of ImageMagick or NetPBM and use the new install instead.
Abort trap or Segmentation Fault or Cannot execute binary file -- probably means you installed the wrong binaries for your system (e.g. installed the FreeBSD binaries on a Linux system) or you uploaded the binaries in ASCII FTP mode instead of BINARY FTP mode.
Permission Denied -- More than likely, your NetPBM directory or the actual NetPBM binaries are not chmodded 0755. It could also mean that your host has disallowed you from executing programs; if this is the case, you must talk to them in order to get it resolved.
/usr/bin/convert: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x0a 0x4d (/home/uspalmer/public_html/gallery/AUTHORS). -- This is a bug that has been fixed with the latest version of Gallery, please upgrade.
/usr/local/bin/convert: no delegate for this image format (/home/sites/home/web/albums/album_01/IMGP0215.jpg) -- This means ImageMagick doesn't have the appropriate libraries to handle a type of image format (in this case JPEG). If you have root access, make sure the appropriate image libraries are installed or ask your host to verify this. If not, you can try using NetPBM from the Gallery Download Page, which has all major image formats already included. If you are using FreeBSD and installed ImageMagick from the ports collection, see FAQ C.30.
Status: (expected 0) -- This means that Gallery is unable to get a status message from PHP, which it relies on. One possible solution is that your host has disabled some needed php functions. To determine if they have create a PHP file containing
echo ini_get("disable_functions");
Below is the link for the Gallery Support Forums.