There is no doubt in my mind that there are some murderers, etc.. that deserve to die. But in recent years I have been rethinking my position. Not because I think it is morally wrong but because of the way the criminal justice system operate.
I have no criminal court experience but it seems to me that the police and prosecuters sometimes plant evidence against the person they think (are sure) is guilty. The OJ case being one of them (although he did get away with it). I don't think they are trying to convict the innocent, they probably are convinced they have the right guy.
I saw a special on 20/20 or 60 minutes a while back where a judge wanted to destroy the old rape kits because too many on death row were being cleared by the new DNA tests. Her opinion was "well, there may be co-ejaculators" and they were already found guilty and have run out of appeals. She feared opening up new cases would swamp the system.
I hope I am never arrested for anything.