Originally Posted by daswig
Once again, we're back to you putting words in my mouth. Please quote where I said ALL French people were ANYTHING.
Hate to pull lawyerly word-parsing stuff on you, but I said "I've yet to meet..." while providing for the possibility that there may in fact be people in that class (French) out there that don't meet my characterization. That's personal observation, not racism.
There IS no "American" race. If there were, there would be certain chromosomal racial characteristics that such a race would have to have uniformly, and there isn't. There is no "French" race, for the same exact reason.
sir, you are, as i've read from you many times, way off the mark here. mephisto is 100% correct in his last definition of race. it's not limited to an ethnic grouping, and your strong language only digs a deeper hole for yourself. also, i suspect that a racist someone from the american south once said that they hate blacks because they smell and are stupid and that their convictions were based on "personal observation," not racism. honestly daswig, cut your losses on this one...