Originally Posted by metalgeek
How is he an awful premier? when has he said something he doesn't do? when has he out and out lied about something?
The Conservitives broguth this pronvicne back form 30B in Debt and 3 B in defiicit to where we are today (I realize they started it, but Klien did what it took.)
How many other Primiers would stick to there guns to do something like this?
He has the largest propoganda budget of any of the Canadian provincial governments, which is a clue right off the bat. The "representative" questionnaire he sent out recently, asking what Albertans want, was completely biased and good only as fire tinder. I don't give a shit if he sticks to his guns, when his "guns" are bad policies. There are more important things than reducing debt.
Even though we are now fully out of debt, and have an enormous surplus, he's still slashing the education budget. U of C is taking a 20% funding cut over the next 5 years because of this asshole. And just wait until he gets re-elected and reintroduces his ideas for privatized health care again. Oh yeah, this guy's a fucking genius isn't he?
While I'm pissing and moaning, I may as well bring up the deregulation of the market, which means that companies can now operate under less strict environmental rules, and fuck up nature more. The job cuts he's been making in the government have adversely affected more women than men, and his policies are clearly pushing for a traditional "woman stays at home, man goes and works" society.
Jusdis, Saskatchewan doesn't have NEARLY the amount of oil we do. That's the only reason we're a wealthy province.