Good post. First off, don't ever do anything P. Diddy tell you to do.
There seems to be a paradox created by uninformed voters. We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. In other words, in the truest form of our government the co-leaders of our country are the voters. It is up to the citizens of this country to make key decisions that effect the world. Of course, that is way too much responsibility. In reality, we live in a world where people try to spread their influence so that the citizens follow allong with whatever they want the voters to believe. We have things like WMDs (Weapons of Media Distortion) being thrown in our faces 24 hours a thought. People think about what they see for a minute, then go back to living their lives. Let's take Jessica Lynch. Here is a reasonabally attractive young heroine who survived torture from the evil Iraqis, right? This icon of Americana was said to have been shot stabbed, then tortured by doctors and there was an amazing rescue by US Special Forces. Ummmm, no. Actually, she was cared for and fed by Iraqi doctors. They gave her three bottles of blood, two of them from the medical staff on site! She was in a road traffic accedent. There was no sign of a gunshot wound at all. Not even a stab wound. The Iraqi military had abandoned the hospital a full day before US Special Forces arrived. (information mostly taken from,00.html but go to BBC to get the whole main stream corrrection)
So here we sit in a country where roughlt 30-40% of it citizens believe that there was a connectionm between Hussain and 9/11. BTW, Bush himself has said that there was no connection. Now we have Christina Agulera telling us to vote.
Bottom line: I think you should only vote if you consider yourself to be an informed voter. Even if that idea stops only one Christian Agulara from voting, I've done my job.