Originally Posted by unbzete
Mr. Munchy, I'm not really sure what you mean about violating the constitution...the notwhistanding clause is a PROVISION of the constitution. If memory serves, it's section 33 of the Charter.
Just out of curiosity, how is it that a provincial government that
refused to sign the Constitution Act is able to take advantage of "the notwithstanding clause" contained within our Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Seems to me like they want to have their cake and eat it too.
In the on-topic part of this post - a LOT of Albertans despised Klein when he was first elected. His policies created a lot of pain for Albertans, but in the end paid off. He was fortunate enough to have the results for his laurels in order to get re-elected. I'm not a conservative politically speaking, but if you look at Alberta where a conservative government has been elected for the last 30+ years, and at Saskatchewan which is right next door and no less resource-wealthy but where we have elected Social Democrats since the Devine government bent us over in the eighties, you have to wonder if there are any other causal links related to economic prosperity or whether this is the main one.