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Old 10-31-2004, 10:09 AM   #42 (permalink)
is awesome!
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Originally Posted by daswig
Didja ever think maybe the earth consented?
lol, you have the audacity to make a statment like this and then try to label people as "bizzare-o nutjobs?" Mr. Kettle I'd like you to meet Mr. Pot.
Didja hear about the problem with the parks in California? Seems that in a fit of PC-ness, some people decided that the BSA couldn't use the parks. Unintended consequence? She state of the parks are declining, since the BSA did lots of community service preservation stuff.

BSA=non-gay friendly, but good conservationists.
PETA=Bizzare-o nutjobs.
So which group should we support?
I didn't hear about this "problem" and I won't enter a debate structured around a logical fallacy. This isn't an either-or question. We can choose to support BSA or PETA or both or niether.

on BSA: It's sad that an organization that has done such good things for young men and our country is being hamstrung by political decisions their national leaders. Local Boy Scout troops, thankfully, have little or nothing to do with the national organization which has recently decided to become discriminatory and exclusionary. My Boy Scout troop contained gay scouts (gasp!) and atheists (lordy!) and we got along just fine. Our troop was actually the most active in terms of camping and service in our area, that's why my family chose it. If supporting BSA means supporting discrimination and exclusion of minorities then no, we shouldn't support them. I still hold on to my Eagle badge because of the memories I had of an open-minded troop (and also the certificate was signed by Bill Clinton ).

My on-topic question for you daswig: Didja ever get really angry that you'll never see a full herd of buffalo stampeding over the American prairie? Or that you can't just go hunt a buffalo for your winter's food? Instead we use the prairie to grow grain to feed cattle which we get to buy (literally) piecemeal at Wal-mart. Hurrah for human progress!
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