I've thought of this often when I was growing up, so it's good to see a thread about it. While it's a moot point for practicality, it's stilll a very interesting question.
I think that it's quite likely that what I see as red is what everyone else sees as red; chemically, the mechanism for seeing red and the pathways to the brain are essentially identical.
Taste is a very interesting point, though. Some people hate lima beans, I love them. Am I tasting something different than they are? I would guess no, and that it's only in the interpretation of the flavor that we differ. I have my own taste in music and art, why not in flavorings?
I think with the advent of computer technology able to directly interpret brain activity into mouse movements, color translation might not be too far off and we can find out the answer to this question for sure.
It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got.