Nothing is as annoying as having to train someone while you work. Boss tells you that "hey, you can do stuff faster 'cos you have some assístance" but that holds true only in the Perfect World scenario. I quit my last job, told them I want to have more time for studies, because I got tons of responsibilities (making shifts for the weekend team) but not any kind of freedom to use my own head or rights to change the stupid policies that didn't work so I could really do stuff properly. They were also trusting me to train the newcomers when I was relatively new myself. I got 1,5$ extra for an hour for all this and if someone couldn't do their part, I had to do it. Grrrrr.
Before I left, the two ppl one of which was going to be asked to replace me and I had a bit of a chat. To the first one I told about a better job that fits her studies better so I guess she also has left that place by now and the second one said she had figured out on her own that this department store has a hidden rasistic code not to take a foreign-born person with poor language skills as the team leader. Not because they couldn't manage with English in Finland, but because the department store doesn't want 'em to be in sight of the customers and having on occasion to be able to talk with them. Ehh...
My current job is cleaning 5 hours per day (5 to 10 or 4 to 9 in the mornings!!!) in an expensive five stars fitness club & beauty and massage salon + sports doctor. I get to train there for free (yaya!). I got 2 days training from the people who got fed up with that place and after whom I was to take over while they went to clean offices which they claim to like more. These two told me that the manager of the fitness place is a bitch that whines about nothing at all and that the rest of the staff is always keeping eye on the cleaner too. I was about to quit after the first week and then I whined to one person in the fitness salon's staff that I hadn't gotten instructions as I had thought I would and that I am not a mind reader and that while I still had my old job before it ended and worked the week days in the fitness place 4 to 9 and had lectures at university for the rest of the day, I was going to the department store on saturday from 6 to 14 but still I took an extra sifht from 21 to 02 on Friday night 'cos the weekend cleaner got sick. Yeah, I slept under 3 hours. I was kinda bummed when on Monday they whine in the gym that I had done something wrong so I snapped at 'em that "well perhaps if I had gotten some sort of proper introdution to my duties and not by some morons who got out of here 'cos you weren't happy with their quality".
That went to the manager's ears who called my boss in the cleaning firm and practically yelled at her.

Then my boss arranged a person who really did know how to plan and schedule works to chart out the place. The actual job is really light now and I can pretty much manage doing it in 3 to 4 hours per day (and I get paid for 5, but I can read magazines and drink hot choco from the automat). The manager was so pleased with me that she gave me a bottle ofred wine and t-shirt. Cheers.