My Personal Hero - American Hero - Oh all Time
Robert E. Lee.
General Lee believe in what was closest to his heart. He fought for his state, his people. He was respected on both sides, to such a degree that even after the war whole lines of union soldiers bow in respect.
General Lee was intelligent, charismatic, and a born leader. He was asked to fight against odds that he eventually couldn't matched, and made something out of it.
He is what I believe America should stand for. You don't have to believe in our government, but believe in our people and fight for them. Our loyalty is to those who we love, and our land. In our happiness others will thrive.
General Lee was a good man, and he along with others like my Father, Abraham Lincoln, Kublai Kahn, and other leaders have my utmost respect.
You don't have to be in the perfect situation, you don't have to be the perfect person, but as long as you try to be as much as you can be, you can be a good man.
Hesitate. Pull me in.
Breath on breath. Skin on skin.
Loving deep. Falling fast.
All right here. Let this last.
Here with our lips locked tight.
Baby the time is right for us...
to forget about us.