I can't believe only one person here said Thomas Jefferson, you people are crazy! I remember
reading a quote recently about when one of our Presidents gathered 40-some Nobel Prize
laureates at the White House, and remarked that the White House had never had as many
brilliant minds in it at one time than it did right now, with the possible exception of when
Thomas Jefferson worked alone.
The guy was a Jack of All Trades, but was more than likely a Master of all of those Trades.
The man was not only one of the pre-eminent founding father, but probably loved his
country more than anyone else at the time, and tried his damndest to make it the best
it could be in its early years. Not only that, but the people of France also loved him, being
that he was Ambassador there for many years after the Revolutionary War. Tried many
times to outlaw slavery during his days as a Congressman in the Virginia Congress - among
many of the other things he did for us.
Teddy Roosevelt is a close second. The guy was everything a President should be, and, as
he said, Probably had more fun doing that job than any one else before him, or since.
He was energetic, popular, and did everything in his power to do what he thought was the
best for the country. I think he could have cared less how the nation was scewed, or what
Congress was trying to do, he did what he thought would make the best impact on his
country as a whole. For instance, just look at his devotion to the Nation Forest Service...
Besides, the guy lived in Poland, Ohio most of his early years, and that's just freakin awesome!