Nah I like the convienence of my penis.
However I would not mind experiencing life from the other side of the plate so to speak. Not in a sexual manner but I would just like to have the same impulses,advantages, and challenges a woman has for like a week. Just so I can figure things out...what makes women "tick" so to speak.
I think I've got a DECENT line on how the average woman thinks as growing up I was around my mom and my sister 85% of the time and got to hear their views on the world but just in case I missed something or there is something my male mind that isn't able to understand the female mind in it's full nuance I'd like to see things from their view just once. But I want to be in that position with a lot of people in the world. I want to know what it's like to be a poor Muslim. I want to know what it's like to be a rich white guy. Etc...these people have life experiences and challenges I'll never experience and would never be able to appreciate until I lived it for myself.