I go to a small part 141 FBO flight school in northeastern ohio.
thanks for the support, especially you flyguy..
Well, thursday night came around and i was behind on everything. I was rusing to get forms filled out, flight time tabulated, my x-country planned, etc etc and just really felt very rushed. I was wishing I could just have a few more days to get everything done and to let things solidify.
Well, friday morning comes up and i get up at around 5am. I finish my x-country plan with the current weather, check all notams, etc etc. and get a good weather briefing from the local FSS.
I drive to the airport, meet my flight instructor (who, by the way, had to get up very very early to get there in time for me to get the keys and be ready....thanks man!
so, I check weather again, etc etc and decide to call the examiner since its very much IFR outside and im supposed to meet him at a different airport (i was to fly there)..
since i wouldnt have my ifr rating for another few hours :}......
i called him and it went somethign like this.
Him "helo?..(sounding groggy)"
ME: yea, this is XXXX, im just checking in, its 30min before Im supposed to meet you and uhh..
Him: hows the weather looking? (keep in mind, its raining about as hard as rain can rain outside...
ME: its pretty nasty
Him: yea, how does tomorrow look for you?
ME: not good, i have class saturday morning, how is sunday for you?
Him: not good.
ME: what is good for you?
Him: monday/tuesday/wed/ mornings.
ME: want to try for wed morning?
him: ok.
me; ok see ya wed same time, same place.
Him: alirght, goodnight, ....i mean goodbye.
Lol i think i woke him up!
anyways, i dont mind that i had to wake up at 5am and did all that shit till 7:40 before I realized it wasnt going to happen....
cause remember what i had been wishing for? a few more days...??? well i got it.
I spent the day leisurely going over stuff, and spent today reviewing for the oral. I feel much more relaxed and cant wait for wed. I want my rating!!
wish me luck :}