Originally Posted by Grace, Too
You, sir, don't have a clue what you are talking about. Prove it.
I'll prove it for him. I'm Jewish and during our confirmation class our rabbi told us about these contradictions.
He admitted that the bible was flawed and that god most likely did not write it. However, he told us that even if we didn't believe the bible as the word of god, we should believe in the deeper message it contained; a message of hope and peace gained through acts of good will.
Mind you, this all came from a conservative rabbi (meaning not orthodox or reform), and I walked out of that class with a ton of newfound respect for this man who admitted that organized religion was basically bs. I was proud to be a member of his synagogue.
Either way, here is your list of inconsistencies and contradictions:
Religious scholars have managed to explain some these contradiction, and to be fair here's the link for that:
However, not all of the contradictions can readily be explained. Good luck on your journey of introspection.