Spleens Notes on the game:
What I like -
-Its fairly large, from what I have seen, and tons of diversity in what your character will
Eventually look like.
-Fighting is easy, and so is talking. What is better is fighting and talking at the same time. (FUN
-Variation. You have stats, you improve them. Hopefully this time not everyone is going to be the same character like in a lot of other games.
What I don't like -
-Too many people. True, this is a beta, its free. But I'm stuck up. I want less people to stroke my ego. Its too hard right now at the lower levels to find a good training spot without other people accidentally attacking the same creature as you, thus lowering my exp gained.
-Aside from people and warp spells, its too hard to travel around. The game map is of a decent size, but it just takes awhile to get anywhere.
Look for "Lacidonia" on the Loki server.
You can just whisper to me if you want. I want to join a party.