Originally Posted by irateplatypus
i'm unsure of what you mean. are you saying that appeasing al-qaida would be stupid? maybe you're saying it's the best course of action? are you saying conceding to bin laden is not analogous in meaningful ways to conceding to hitler? in what way is the geopolitical structure is different now from what it was then?
Sorry that was a bit ambiguous but I'm saying that its a mistake to believe changing course/choosing options is appeasement given the geopolitical situation of the world now.
Appeasement in 1938/1939 was a mistake because it was done from a position of weakness. Hitler by then already had immense power, had a superior land force, air force, economy, resources, etc. behind him. Britain/France then was in a poor position to oppose him. However, the mistake was appeasing him from that position of weakness - when you give the stronger guy concessions, you dig an even bigger hole for yourself.
The situation today is different - you are in a position of strength (or at least you would believe we are, wouldn't you?). To be hoenst, I don't know what to do (and neither do any of us or our politicians imo) with the situation in Israel but its pretty obvious that keepign the status quo is keeping the same issues attached to it.
But if you are in a position of strength, appeasemenet isn't a sign of weakness - you have to use it to your advantage. So if you get rid of supporting Israel, turn that advantage in strength elsewhere - get the favor of strong Arab nations that can a) listen to you and b) handle the problem of terrorists by aiding those who handle it as a domestic issue.
Anyways the point isn't I'm trying to make a solution for the issue, i'm pointing out that appeasement isn't so black/white as one would suggest looking straight at Chamberlain. When one delves deeper, one realizes that you cannot appease while you are weak, for you dig yourself into a deeper hole. However, when one is in a position of strength, you can use appeasement as a tool to manuever around a force and take em from another angle.
Because keeping the status quo sure as hell ain't going anywehre right now.