[QUOTE=daswig]Once again, we're back to you putting words in my mouth. Please quote where I said ALL French people were ANYTHING. [quote]
For the
third time, let me quote you directly.
""...but as for the actual French? Ask me again after they've figured out deodorant/anti-perspirant."
That sounds a little predjudiced to me, but as I repeatedly said, I'll let others make their own decision.
Hate to pull lawyerly word-parsing stuff on you...
Pull all you want.
There IS no "American" race. If there were, there would be certain chromosomal racial characteristics that such a race would have to have uniformly, and there isn't. There is no "French" race, for the same exact reason.
would be right if race was a term used exclusively to describe genetic or ethnic groupings. But it is
not. It is also used to describe cultural and/or geographical groupings of people. There is a lot of debate on whether "races" (in the limited, short-sighted way you describe them above) actually exist at all. But certainly concepts like "the German race" exist, because it includes more than just ethnicity. And racism certainly exists.
If you want to use "lawyerly" word pulling, allow me to ask you some clear cut questions.
Do you accept that racism exists?
If so, on what basis can it be identified?
If someone said "I hate all Mexicans", would that be racist?
If someone said "I hate all Africans", would that be racist?
Mr Mephisto