Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
If I said I don't like all Americans, that they are stupid, or smell or are inferior, then yes that would be racist.
The same as if I said it about all Mexicans. Or Italians. Or Irish.
Race is not a term that is that popular any more because of its history in Social Darwinianism, Malthusianism etc. But the term racist is derived from the same root and is used to describe such predjudice as evidenced above.
Once again, we're back to you putting words in my mouth. Please quote where I said ALL French people were ANYTHING.
Hate to pull lawyerly word-parsing stuff on you, but I said "I've yet to meet..." while providing for the possibility that there may in fact be people in that class (French) out there that don't meet my characterization. That's personal observation, not racism.
There IS no "American" race. If there were, there would be certain chromosomal racial characteristics that such a race would have to have uniformly, and there isn't. There is no "French" race, for the same exact reason.