Well the men gave their opinion of what they like to wear underneath, and the women gave their opinion of what they like to see their men wearing underneath. There were no big shockers here, but a couple of interesting things.
Whitey Tighties 13% 2%
Boxers 41% 39%
Sport Briefs 26% 29%
Bikinis 7% 2%
Thong 3% 2%
Nothing 9% 24%
Okay, so here's the sumation of this little poll experiment. It's obvious that a decent amount of us men need to throw away ALL Whitey Tighties. I know it's what Mom used to have us wear, and we'd feel badly going against Mom, but the ladies are not digging 'em, so toss those and pick up the boxers or sports briefs. Now the same goes for those of us sporting the bikinis and thongs with the thought that chicks dig the way our bulges look in them. Their voting tells us their not that impressed, and that we should strip them off and go Commando. It pretty much looks like you're safe with the boxer/sport brief selections, and when you want to get nuts....expose your nuts
I hope this was fun and educational for everyone. Now it's time for the girls.......