Originally Posted by mirevolver
They've been fighting a holy war since before Bush was president. They were fighting a holy war when Clinton was president. They were fighting a holy war when H. W. Bush was president, when Regan was president, when Carter was president. They've been fighting a holy war since Israel was formed. They've been fighting a holy war since the British occupied the Middle east. They were fighting a holy war during the crusades. In fact, Muhammed himself waged a holy war against Mecca.
Islamic leaders have declared holy wars since the founding of Islam. They will always find a new excuse to fight a holy war regardless of who is president.
Yes, you are right, they will almost always have an excuse to declare a holy war, but in this day and age, I believe Bush does make it not only easier for them, but I believe it gains the "terrorists" more sympathy globally, which in turn means weak allianceship for the US as well as more reasons to attack on Americas own soil. Not only is the US possibly more hated than it ever was before, but Muslim extremists will flock to terrorize all "infidels" for as long as American forces kill
their children (not that is anything new) on
their holy land. Bush wrongfully invaded their holy ground killing their people and now they have a propaganda machine to recruit more suicide bombers to waste the "infidels". I believe this country is at more of a risk to be attacked under the Bush administration. If Bush gets re-elected and decides to attack Iran or maybe Syria, I wouldn't be surprised to see a suicide bombing in our local Starbucks. But yes, they will fight for as long as Israel and America are around, and most likely if they are gone as well. But Bush's foreign policy further fuels their passion and hate to destroy us.