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Old 10-29-2004, 04:18 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by The_wall
I think it is quite an important note that Bin Laden himself said the attacks where not because of our freedom, but rather our foreign policy. I know we're not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, but perhaps we should listen to what he said and take it into account.
If the US government would have listened a bit more carefully to foreigners, they would've told you that before. (though I've got a feeling that to Bush, the world is just a big game of Risk).
Osama Bin Laden and most of the likes of him do not want to conquer the US, kill americans or destroy religious freedom. (although that last part may be the next step). First and foremost they feel that the US is interfering with their local affairs, to such an extent that their daily lives are dominated by US influence. This of course has to do with the superpower status of the US. To stay that way the US needs to know and influence world affairs, just to keep on top of things. But in OBL's eyes "the US needs to retreat to their homeland, right now the US is bullying the world around".
Several big american companies are owned by Middle Eastern or Asian entities, how do you feel about that, especially if it seems that through those interests they are influencing your government to make certain descisions. (say to allow a Chinese fleet of warships to maintain a regular patrol route just outside US waters, or preferential economic deals with Russia, or build an oil pipeline from Alaska through several states (without local taps) through Mexico all the way down to venezuela).

Together with that is the reasonably strong economy of the US in the last century. Many visible products, trends and inventions were done in the US, that were gulped down by the public in Europe and elsewhere. To people who feel "traditional" the public has sold out to the US by wearing Jeans, listening to american music, and watching american movies. They feel that their country is slowly succumbing to american culture.
(It is however american freedom which allows the public in america to enjoy such non-traditional things. Americans are less strict in their religion (overall) than many middle eastern countries. The public in those countries in large quantities likes that, and thus OBL's frustration. So in some sense it is about the freedom US citizens have. He didn't attack Germany, France, Great Brittain, Australia, and other such countries that enjoy reasonable freedoms, even though chances of retaliation were far slimmer there.)

Their attack was in my opinion a response to the large influence the US has in the middle east. Large oil interests, and paranoia about certain parts of the world in the last century haven't helped matters much (as in a large military presence).

Just my $0.02

(it's all my opinion, I haven't done any research)
"Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. "
- Murphy MacManus (Boondock Saints)
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