Those aren't legitimate reasons.
What, you REALLY think Kerry's gonna take office and ignore the "war on terrorism"? I don't think so. Any president that downplays it would face career suicide.
So, if that's your sole basis for forming an opinion on Bush, then I'd suggest you quickly find another avenue, because both presidents (and any president for that matter) would be able to do it.
The point is, who will do it better? So far Bush has made some questionable decisions and, believe it or not, is actually making you LESS safe in the long run.
He has this "me me me" mentality when it comes to this country, but like I said above, if we keep pulling this shit like we own the world, then someone will eventually put us in our place.
The OBL tape came out today and said neither Kerry nor Bush is responsible for our security and it relies upon US foreign policy. Have any of our leaders actually taken a step back to understand what this means, or do they act with tunnel vision thinking the USA can do no wrong and can't admit any past mistakes? I think we know the answer to that question.
Our foreign policy sucks ass. The rest of the world can see this, so why can't we?
I love lamp.