Originally Posted by Pacifier
...I don't know anyone who woud think of Bush as a good president.
Pacifier, you're forgetting the tens of millions of American citizens who are going to vote for Bush, and the reason for this, to me, is simple:
1) The 2004 America Presidential election is about 1 thing: Fighting Terrorism.
1a) Bush is a known quantity who is tough on terrorism.
1b) Kerry is an unknown quantity in the fight against terrorism, with a questionable record on foreign military engagement added into the mix.
The release today of a 'new' OBL tape that was broadcast here on American TV I don't think was a coincidence. It was a reminder. A legitimate reminder in my opinion.
Not everyone in the world takes a pacifistic view in this fight against terrorism, not here in America, and obviously not in Germany. This is encouraging.