Once we finish debating Ken Starr and Willie Horton, and Iran Contra, I guess we will be done.
The list is of little use because it is not a list of facts, it is a political hit list, lacking in completeness and peppered with opinions. When you preface a fact that is incomplete and given no context with your opinion as to how the reader should think about it, you are not really furthering a useful debate. Hey, lets try some more.
101. Even though he promised to support life in all forms before becoming president, there have been more elderly deaths during this administration than the previous four years.
Source: Vital Statistics
102. All the while the President claimed he was a good steward of the land, several hurricanes (which are caused by global warning) have ravaged the State of Florida.
Source: US Weather tracking data.
103. The "compassionate conservative" president has presided over a divided and divisive Senate.
Source: U.S. Almanac.