1. Reset the BIOS using the motherboard pins. Check your manual for specifics.
2. Check your motherboard for swollen and/or bursting capacitors.
3. Flash the BIOS: As stated, this is easy. Most all companies now have flash programs that you just download, install, load the flash file, and run. You used to have to reboot to a floppy and do all this weird shit, and could possibly fuck up your situation, but it's quite easy now.
4. 2.10GHZ is not stock for an XP2400+. That's over-clocked about 100mhz, which *should* be fine. Some can handle it, some can't. Every CPU is different. My old 2400+ could handle 2.25GHZ easily, until I changed motherboards. Now it weirds out at anything past 2.10, so I run it at 2086mhz. Was your friend running it at this speed?
5. In the BIOS check your CPU/Memory voltages. CPU should be running at 1.65-1.7 volts. If it's lower your system could be tripping out, if higher things can get REALLY messed up.
The checksum error is a pretty big giveaway that it's something with the motherboard. Weither it's puked out, or just needs some tweaking, I don't know.