Same thing happend to my toshiba laptop. I went for about 6 months without sound, untill i finally decided to take it apart and see whats wrong (not my laptop, its for a school program, so i don't care about the warranty). I noticed that the output connector was broken on thie inside. It was cheap plastic thats supposed to hold metal plate type thingy's that was broken. Imagin your left fingres are the metal, and your right are the plastic. Now cross your fingres, and thats how its supposed to be. The problem with mine was, it wasen't set properly, and 2 of the metal peices were touching. All i had to do was use a pin to get the metal peices back in position, then crazy glue the plastic part down. I haven't had a problem since. Sorry if this doesn't make too much sense, I just don't know how to describe it. I'm pretty sure if you take it apart you'll see what I mean. Don't know if this will void your warranty, but i'm pretty sure it will fix your problem. Its better than spending $500 in my opinion.
What am i doing on this planet?