The ingredients game!
I will post a food or drink, and someone else names off ONE ingredient in that food/drink, and then posts another food/drink that has that ingredient in it. The process then repeats itself.
I say: "Food: Mayonnaise"
You say: "Ingredient: Egg Food: Bread"
etc etc etc
Rule #1: No repeating ingredients one after the other.
Rule #2: Food/drink repetition to post ratio must be 1:10. That means you may not repeat a food/drink unless there are 9 posts above you that do not contain the same food/drink.
Rule #3: Try to keep it as simple as possible. If someone says "Spaghetti," instead of saying "Meat sauce," you can say, "Tomato paste," or you could even simply say, "Tomato."
Rule #4: Each food/drink must be well-known in at least one large culture or area. Don't say anything that pertains to your own inventions, such as my "Fried-Egg Ramen Salad."
Rule #5: The general public must deem the food as, yes, food. No, the general public does not deem "human blood" to be food.
Rule #6: Have fun!
To start it off:
Food: Turkey Pot Pie
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...