Hey there,
So, does anyone here remember the XFL? I got my dad to buy tickets for all the one's coming to Memphis. I think that was about 4 or 5 games. We only went to 2

. Still have the other unused tickets. I kinda liked it. Damn hot cheerleaders.
I wonder why it didn't survive. Why do you think it didn't last? Of all the money Vince had it's not as if the game was underfunded or anything. He had the $$$ to do it. It didn't compete with NFL. Was it the rules of the game that people didn't like? Not enough games? Bad television recordings? He should have done something easier like baseball or something. Not sure how Xtreme baseball could be tho. No sexay cheerleader in baseball so that sux.
Anyone want to make any comments on the XFL? I liked it while it lasted.
- Undercover_Man