Originally Posted by daswig
Just for the record, I've yet to meet the first French national that I like. (there may be some that I would like, I've just not met any of them, despite having been in France repeatedly. I've met lots of people of french descent, and generally like them just fine, but as for the actual French? Ask me again after they've figured out deodorant/anti-perspirant.
I suspect I've met more French people than you, having lived and worked there for about 9 months, and travelling there on business very regularly. I've met some assholes (like I've met some American assholes), but the vast majority of them are lovely. Just like you guys in the States.
Making generalizations like that above is either short-sighted, trolling or honest to goodness racism.
BTW, are the french a "race"? I've met white french people, black french people, and even asian french people. What racial category does "the french" fall into? And if they're not a race, how can disliking them be racist?
Well, let's check the definition, shall we?
race Pronunciation Key (rs)
1 - A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.
2 - A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German race.
3 - A genealogical line; a lineage.
4 - Humans considered as a group.
5 - Biology.
An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.
A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
6 - A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.
So, yes. The French
are a race. Therefore disliking them is racist. I'll leave others to take the logic to its inevitable conclusion.
Mr Mephisto